A Summer of Apricot-Orange Lilies

We love to plant Lilies in the fall for a progression of colorful Lilies in the summer. Lilies spice up summer perennial and annual beds with height, majestic flowers and, often, intoxicating fragrance. They are perfect for garden display as well as luxurious bouquets reminiscent of Newport’s Golden Era. Here we offer four apricot-orange colored varieties.

Individually bagged and labeled, it is specially priced about 20% less than our already terrific prices. Normal shipping charges apply. Plant 6" to 8” deep and 12" apart. Horticultural zones 4-8. We ship Lilies in mid-October, just as soon as we receive them from the Dutch harvest.

  • 5 Chinese Trumpet Lily African Queen: Apricot-melon. Bulb size: 18/20 cm. July/August. 5’ to 6’.
  • 5 Lilium henryi Lady Alice: Ivory, orange starburst. Bulb size: 16/18 cm. July/August. 4’ to 6’.
  • 5 Asiatic Lily Pearl Justien: Mellow golden-orange. Bulb size: 16/18 cm. June/July. 3’ to 4’.
  • 5 Tigrinum Lily Tiger Babies: Peach, raspberry glow and plum-garnet freckles. Recurved. Bulb size: 16/18 cm. June/July. 3’ to 5’.
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20 bulbs $45.95

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