The Little Moon Garden Special

Even little Crocus, Galanthus, Leucojum and Muscari can catch a ray of moonlight and sparkle on a spring night. These four bright white varieties are terrific for borders and sweet little clusters in garden nooks and crannies.

Individually bagged and labeled, it is specially priced 20% less than our already terrific prices. Normal shipping charges apply. Top size bulbs. Horticultural zones 4 through 8. Plant 6” to 8” deep and 6” apart.

  • 25 Crocus vernus Jeanne d'Arc: Glistening white, variable hints of purple striations. Bulb size: 9 cm/up. April. 5” tall.
  • 25 Galanthus elwesii: The Giant Snowdrop. Ivory, inner green markings. Bulb size: 7 cm/up. March/April. 5” to 8” tall.
  • 25 Leucojum aestivum: The Summer Snowflake. Milk-white tipped green. Bulb size: 20 cm/up. May/June. 12” to 15” tall.
  • 25 Muscari armeniacum Siberian Tiger: Bright snow-white. Bulb size: 8 cm/up. April/May. 6” tall.
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100 bulbs $46.95

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